Friendly gut bacteria can be wiped out during a course of antibiotics. Proflora Excellence SB contains the beneficial yeast S. boulardii that survives antibiotics and helps protect against diarrhea and bacterial toxins such as C. diff. You also get four evidence-based probiotic strains in this formula to support immunity and digestion.
Even when you’re not taking an antibiotic, digestive problems are common. Stress, exposure to food-borne pathogens, and a typical western diet will all disrupt your gut bacteria. Without the right balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut, you won’t be able to digest your food properly. Proflora Excellence SB provides protective bacteria for the gut to support the digestive system’s natural processes.*
Proflora Excellence SB has the three characteristics necessary to be optimally effective:
- Viable at room temperature.
- Able to withstand stomach acid and reach the intestines alive.
- Formulated to be distributed throughout the intestinal tract where it can adhere and reproduce.
Each capsule of Proflora Excellence SB is sealed in specially designed blister packs that ensure stability and protect from environmental factors such as heat and humidity. There is no refrigeration needed—they are proven to be stable up to 104° F. S. boulardii and the four probiotic strains in Proflora Excellence SB have a strong ability to adhere to the intestinal wall where they can take hold and proliferate.
Five Evidence-Based Probiotic Strains
Proflora Excellence SB is specially designed to provide five probiotic strains with clinical research to support their use:
Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14 increases immune cells, beats out the dangerous E. coli in the GI tract, and helps re-establish protective bacteria after antibiotic therapy.
Bifidobacterium longum Bl-05 increases immune cells during times of stress and has anti-inflammatory effects on the GI tract. It protects the colon from inflammation for better GI barrier function.
Lactobacillus plantarum Lp-115 supports immune cells and promotes absorption of nutrients, such as iron. It can inhibit and displace harmful pathogens, including C. diff. and Staphylococcus, as well as environmental pollutants, such as cadmium.
Bifidobacterium lactis HN019 improves absorption of essential nutrients and protects against foreign pathogens, such as salmonella. It is useful for combatting constipation by improving gut transit time and reducing GI symptoms, including bloating, nausea, abdominal pain, and gas.
Saccharomyces boulardii is a beneficial yeast that is effective for combatting GI illnesses, including diarrhea, that accompany antibiotic use. S. boulardii raises immune antibodies that help bind and clear harmful bacteria from the body. It is a proven treatment for constipation by improving gut transit time and countering inflammation in the GI tract.